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About UNICEF Market

UNICEF Market was conceived as an online store for people shopping for unusual, well-designed and beautifully crafted items.

In looking for a way to make UNICEF Market a reality, we found the perfect partner, NOVICA. Founded in 1999, NOVICA works directly with artisans through their regional offices in Asia, Africa and Latin America. They have built a proprietary infrastructure enabling purchases to go from the country of origin directly to the consumer.

With the aid of NOVICA's procurement, logistics and technology capabilities, UNICEF Market is able to offer these handmade products.

Every product with the hand icon is handcrafted by artisans.

About UNICEF Market

In addition to UNICEF Market customers getting great handcrafted products, part of the proceeds goes to both the talented artisans and to help UNICEF save and protect children.

UNICEF Cards & Gifts

UNICEF Cards & Gifts

UNICEF has been selling greeting cards for over 70 years. These cards are beautifully designed and made in the USA with a commitment to sustainable forest management and responsible use of the planet's natural resources. Our loyal customers, however, have been asking for more UNICEF products and we've listened. We are expanding our UNICEF offer beyond greeting cards, providing customers with products to showcase their support for UNICEF. We hope you are delighted with the expanded UNICEF branded collection. Part of the proceeds goes to help UNICEF save and protect children.

Show your UNICEF pride and start shopping to help build a better world now!

Order today, and save a child's life.


UNICEF does not endorse any company, brand or service. UNICEF's name and emblem are protected under international law.

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