Mouse with Balloon
Handmade Ceramic and Glass Figurine of Mouse with...
Cheerful Elephant
Elephant Ceramic Figurine Made Painted by Hand in...
Tajik Trader
Painted Traditional Wood Figurine of Tajik Merchant in...
Miniature Caravan II
Miniature Painting Style Watercolor of Caravan...
Tajik Vendor
Painted Traditional Wood Figurine of Tajik Merchant &...
Cactus Mouse
Mouse with Cactus Ceramic Figurine Made and Painted by...
Miniature Caravan IV
Watercolor on Cardboard Scene of Uzbek Caravan...
Jolly Elephant
Uzbek Elephant Ceramic Figurine Made and Painted by Hand
Harmonious Crab
Crab-Themed Decorative Ceramic Bell Made & Painted...
Tree of Knowledge
Handmade Tree of Knowledge Themed Ceramic Jewelry...
'Peacock's Essence
Lacquered Peacock-Inspired Round Walnut Wood Wall...
Brain Teaser
Handcrafted and Painted Colorful Walnut Wood Tangram...
Underwater Melody
Fish-Themed Decorative Ceramic Bell Made & Painted...
Farhod and Shirin IV
Folk Art Watercolor Painting of Couple and...
Bukhara's Architecture IV
Watercolor Scene of Minaret Mosque Towers...
Vivacious Elephant
Handcrafted Ceramic Elephant Figurine from...
Miniature Caravan III
Watercolor on Cardboard Caravan of Merchants...
Mooing Cow
Cow Ceramic Figurine Made & Painted by Hand in Uzbekistan
Bukhara's Architecture II
Watercolor Scene of the Streets of Bukhara...
Bukhara's Architecture III
Watercolor Scene of Man & Donkey in Uzbek...