My Lovely Bird
Adinkra Symbol Bird Wood Sculpture with Glass Beads
African Bush Elephant
Elephant Sculpture Hand Carved from Ebony Wood
Dogon Man on Horseback
Wood figurine
Sankofa Duo
Hand-Carved Cedarwood Adinkra Accent Table from Ghana
Guro Elephant I
Original West African Decorative Wooden Elephant Mask
Hand Carved African Wood Mask
Bird of Happiness
Circular Hand Crafted and Painted West African Mask
Blue Elephant II
Framed Acrylic and Fabric Elephant Painting
New Adinkra
Handmade Sterling Silver Bird Pendant from Africa
Watchful Rooster
Multi-Color Wood Decorative Box with Rooster...
Black Sankofa
Fair Trade Wood Sculpture of Sankofa Bird from Ghana
Forest Wolf
Handcrafted Sese Wood Wolf Mask in Green from Ghana
Baule Ram
Hand Carved Ram Mask
God Has Heard Me
Artisan Crafted Authentic African Mask with Repousse
Festive Elephant
Hand Made Wood Relief Panel Elephant Mask
School of Fishes
Ghana Hand Crafted and Painted Sese Wood Fish...
Lion of Ghana
Sese Wood Lion Motif Wall Mask Hand Carved in Ghana
Elephant Themed Wood Mask with Brass and Glass Beads
Elephants of Fortune
Handcrafted Wooden Elephant Bookends from West...
Bird at Rest
Red Black Off-White Mother and Baby Bird Wood Sculpture
Panther Realm
Wood Panther Sculpture with Elephant and Bird Beadwork
Horseback Warrior
Brown and Cream Horseback Warrior Wood Sculpture...
Elephant Carrying a Leaf
Handcrafted Ebony Wood Elephant Mini...
Warrior King
Unique Handcrafted Wood Mask
Happy Camels
Hand Carved Wood Bookends (Pair)
Colorful Rooster
Multicolored Rooster Decorative Jar from Ghana
Cape Buffalo
African Cape Buffalo Sculpture Hand Carved from Teak Wood
Zebra Face
African Wood Mask with Zebra Motifs from Ghana
Ghanaian Rooster
Artisan Crafted Bird Theme Original African Mask
Elephant Wrap
Elephant-Themed Batik Cotton Table Runner from Ghana
Daffodil Elephant
Longevity Tortoise
Sese Wood and Bamboo Tortoise Pendant Necklace...