Elephant in the Room?
By Dalton
This curator from New York has made 10 collections and has been a member since 2015.
Office-to-Beach Miami Collection
By Claire
In search of authentically beautiful accessories and gifts for a life lived running between...read more
Dragons for All
By Perdida
Dragons are represented in many cultures in numerous types of media. Come and explore these...read more
Spring into Action
By Woodstock
Ringing in this spring with some bright treasures.
Fire and earth
Shoot for the Moon
By SGustafson
We should all be shooting for the moon. In our personal lives and also in a broader global sense...read more
Free As a Bird
By SGustafson
All children should be able to live free of fear.
Rebel with a cause
By Quagmilia
Gifts for the family black sheep or edgy friend you have
B & E
By Kimevinc
Girl Time: In the spirit of shopping and having a blast with your Best Friend, this collection is...read more
Elephants are coming to town
By Barbie Doll
This curator from Arizona has made 2 collections and has been a member since 2017.
Great Gifts for Me!
By oddeyedcat
These are things I love, which I don't already have!
Liunatic Fringe
By Liunatic Fringe
In honor of UNICEF Ambassador Lucy Liu's upcoming bday, snag a gift for yourself inspired by her...read more
Graceful and intricate beauty
By Blissfulness
Vet Tech/ Beauty in nature
My Favorites
By JerriLynn
Jewelry making, Art, Literature, Needlework
By Ben
By Adnama
Non profit administrator
Bee Strong Bee Kind
By Susana
Yellow and Black, Buzz, Bee, Honey, Flower, Hive, Jewelry, Art, Earrings, Ring, Bracelet , Bag,...read more
Statement Pieces
By Heather Erin Farr
Curated, Heather Erin Farr, Collection, Philanthropy, Charity, Gallery, Jewelry, Statement